Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Digital video - Here's one i prepared earlier

backing track: Smooth Rider by Dave Mathews Band

This is the digital video I composed in movie maker. It focuses on a basic process within bicycle mechanics, the removal of a cassette. On reflection, the use of a digital video could easily take the place of a PowerPoint presentation. Both of these tools are capable of presenting content in a similar slide show style progression but movie maker seems to have the definite advantage of being easily able to incorporate audio and moving video.

Digital videos could also be used within assessment items. Learners could be set tasks where they are required to develop instructional videos demonstrating their understanding of processes within a task. This could also be implemented within portfolio style work where learners are required to develop a running port folio of their progress. In developing an activity where learners are required to reflect on and examine their own progress it is possible to incorporate aspects of higher order thinking. Marzano and Pickering (1997) suggest that in developing higher order thinking skills learners are better prepared to deal with real life problem solving and evaluation. This in turn contributes to moulding and effective lifelong learner.

Another important aspect that can be incorporated into the production of digital videos is terminology focus. Through developing their own and viewing other digital videos, learners are required to familiarise themselves with fundamental terminology. Digital videos are also an effective method of linking imagery to terminology in order to further consolidate learner understanding. By having learners undertake tasks where they are required to construct a digital video displaying the processes they have undertaken along with descriptive instructional terminology, it is possible for the learning manager to depict the level of understanding the learner has of the process.

Here is a complementary YouTube feed for removing a cassette...

The incorporation of tutorial videos has the obvious potential to aid learners in constructing meaning, catering for a variety of different learning styles.