Friday, July 23, 2010


PowerPoints are effective in presenting content but need to be accompanied with stimulus factors in order to be engaging for learners. PowerPoint stimulus can range from imagery to question posing, music and humor. For PowerPoints to remain stimulating while also conveying relevant content, they need to appeal to learner characteristics and learning styles. By making the presentation appealing to various learning styles there is more chance of learners retaining the desired information.

In my class room I would use power points to display techniques and processes, using imagery in particular. The use of PowerPoints could be easily used as an appetizer, providing learners with a snapshot of what they are going to be learning, presenting an exciting term or project. As safety is a prevalent issue in my area, imagery through PowerPoint along with slogans would make it easy for learners to identify associated risks. This could also become more interactive, displaying images that present a situation where machinery for example is being used in correct and incorrect circumstances.


  1. I agree with power point being a exellent tool in Design Technology to present examples of safety to children. Using slogans to get the safety message across to students would definatley engage the learner and help them identifey the risks involved. Safety is paramount in this field and a power point lesson would be appropriate tool for this lesson.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes power points can be particularly useful tools in developing awareness among learners in relation to safety. Along with slogans, semi graphic imagery and diagrams can be incorporated in order to give learners further consolidation. Safety is definitely paramount.
